How do I set up or update my secret question?

Updated by Ellexia Lin

Setting up a secret question is important since it serves as a verification method when assisting callers over the phone. Please follow the steps below to set up or update your secret question on file:

  1. From the Cloudash client portal, navigate to Account Settings > Account Info on the left toolbar
  2. Click on the Security Tab
  3. To set up your secret question, select a question from the dropdown menu and type your answer in the field below
    1. To update your secret question, click on the Update Security Settings button. Select a question from the dropdown menu and type your answer in the field below
  4. Click on the Save Changes button to save your secret question and answer
If you have others who will contact us for assistance, please ensure they are added as team members and share your secret question and answer with them. This will allow us to promptly verify their identity and provide assistance as needed.

If you are looking to add team members to your account, follow the steps here: How do I add a team member?

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